Monday, June 4, 2018


More spinning (we're in training for Tour de Fleece next month - hehe)

Jasmine's been pestering me to do more spinning that's for her, but I haven't started that yet. That's next. She wants a "handspun blue snake" for her birthday. :)

It was Byron's birthday last month, though, and he wanted a soft strap cover for his sax strap. I made him some red socks, too, with little black music notes on them.

11 years old. Crazy!

Here's what I sent my sister for her birthday. Sparkly rainbow stuff. Hehe. If she thinks the socks are embarrassing, she can hide 'em in her boots :)

Coming along are my Mission in Pink, and my NEWT in grey. Long, long, long rows of stocking stitch. Good for watching old episodes of Star Trek. :)

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