Saturday, July 1, 2017


May (which was a little while ago, now) was all about handspun. As planned, I did make a dent in my handspun stash. As well as destashing a bit :) I used handspun for 3 classes, Quidditch, and the Headmistress Challenge.

Two other classes were for family birthday presents, and not handspun.Socks for Kelly and earflap hats for Byron (that's what he wanted!)

Then there was a bit of detention, a bit of dyeing for Q, and about 2m/400g of this Doctor Who scarf for my OWL

Surprisingly fun, just going backwards and forwards. I'm not looking forward to weaving in Ends, but I'm looking forward to wet-blocking it nice and long!

And then, well, I may have spun a little... It's hard to resist :)

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